I’m guessing that you don’t like testing. Fortunately, we can make testing a lot easier to do by writing a script to do it for us. In this post, you’ll learn how to write a simple shell script which will run your program with input and compare it against the expected output.

This post looks long, but it’s mostly sections with one paragraph each. Just follow the instructions step-by-step and you’ll be set.

What’s a shell script?

When you log into CAEN over SSH, you’re presented with a prompt where you can type things like cd, cp, mv, and so on. The program that does this for you is called a shell. Instead of typing in commands by hand, we can put them in a file to be executed automatically, called a shell script.

Writing our first shell script

Create a file called helloworld.sh and open it up in your editor. The .sh extension is the conventional extension for a shell script. Type this out in your file:

echo "Hello, world!"

Then go to your terminal and run the script using bash:

$ bash helloworld.sh
Hello, world!

That wasn’t too hard!

Example test files

For the sake of example, let’s say we have a program adder which adds up all the numbers given to it on standard input and prints the result to standard output. (This means it reads from cin and writes to cout.)

Let’s write the first test. Create test-1.input with the following contents:

2 3 4

And test-1.output:


Writing the script

Now onto writing the test runner. Create run_tests.sh:

for test in ./test-*.input; do
    # Compare program output with expected output...

As you can see, we have a for-loop here. But what’s this ./test-*.input? This is a type of pattern-matching statement called a glob. It matches all of the files in the current directory which start with test- and end with .input. For each such file, it puts the file name in the $test variable and runs the for-loop body. Basically, we’re iterating over a list of file names matching the glob pattern.

A brief note on bash syntax

Some notes before we continue: in bash, whenever we want to read the value of a variable, we have to prefix it with $. (In the for-loop condition, we were writing to the variable, so we didn’t need a $.)

Additionally, bash will automatically interpolate string variables. If we say this:

echo "Test name: $test"

then bash will automatically replace $test with the actual contents of the test variable, so we’ll get something like Test name: test-1.input.

Getting the output file name

Now that we have the input file name, we need to get the output file name. In short, we need to remove the .input extension and replace it with the .output extension.

We can use some convenient bash string manipulation facilities to do this. Let’s declare a new variable inside the for-loop:

for test in ./test-*.input; do
    # Right now, this just copies the contents of 'test' into the variable
    # called 'test_output'.

    # Do other things...

If we want to remove a substring from the end of a string in bash, we can use the % operator:

for test in ./test-*.input; do
    # So the contents of test_output would now be "test-1" instead of
    # "test-1.input".

    # Do other things...

Now we just need to tack on the .output extension:

for test in ./test-*.input; do
    # Now 'test_output' contains "test-1.output".

    # Do other things...

Actually doing the comparison

First, we want to run our program and see its output:

for test in ./test-*.input; do

    ./adder <"$test"

We’re using the input redirection operator < here to feed the contents of the input test file to our adder program. But as it is, this just prints the result to the screen. We want to feed it to the diff program, along with the correct output, to tell us if the files were identical.

To hook together our program and diff, we can use a pipeline. This will redirect the standard output of adder to the standard input of diff. To use a pipeline for cmd1 and cmd2, we join the two with the | operator to get cmd1 | cmd2:

for test in ./test-*.input; do

    # 'adder' will feed its output directly into 'diff'.
    ./adder <"$test" | diff - "$test_output"

You’ll notice that we have the file - as one of the parameters to diff. This is special code meaning “use standard input for this file”. The other file is the correct output file.

Checking to see if the test passed

Finally, we just need to check the return value of diff to see if the files were identical. We can use bash’s if-statement to determine if a command succeeded or not. If the command has an exit code of zero, the if statement considers it a success and goes into the if-branch; otherwise, it goes into the else-branch (if there is one).

We’ll just move the command into the condition of an if statement:

for test in ./test-*.input; do

    if ./adder <"$test" | diff - "$test_output"; then
        echo "Test $test passed!"
        echo "Test $test failed..."
        exit 1

That’s it! We have our automated test runner in ten lines of code. If we run bash run_tests.sh now, it will automatically run all of the tests in the current directory. If any of them fail, then the test runner will exit 1.

Adding automatic test-running to our Makefile

Now that we’ve written our test runner, we can do a few nifty things with it. First off, let’s make it so that if we run make test, our tests will be run. Add these lines to your Makefile:

test: all
	bash run_tests.sh

Now if we run make test, we’ll either get output like this:

$ make test
bash run_tests.sh
Test ./test-1.input passed!

Or, if we’re unlucky, this:

$ make test
bash run_tests.sh
< 9
> 10
Test ./test-1.input failed...
make: *** [test] Error 1

Preventing submission if our tests failed

Since we’ve added the test target to our Makefile, we can also make it so that make will refuse to make submit.tar.gz if your tests failed to pass. (This can save you quite a few submits down the road if you’re lazy and don’t want to test every single thing by hand.) Just modify the submit target from this:

submit: submit.tar.gz

to this:

submit: test submit.tar.gz

Now if you try to run make submit and your tests fail, make will refuse to build your submission file and let you know.

If you get stuck…

Shell scripting can have some really hard-to-diagnose errors, especially if you’re not experienced in it. If you get stuck, make a new post on Piazza, or just email me!

If you’re writing a significantly-sized shell script and are having trouble with it, consider enabling the so-called bash strict mode. This might cause your error to trigger earlier so you can figure out what went wrong.